CannaBiz Invest Asia Summit to open in Bangkok in August 2019

Hemp plant has the benefits in the areas of food, fibre and medicine and they are exploring all of these areas with a focus on medicine (Image source: Herbal Hemp/Pixabay)

CannaBiz Invest Asia is all set to be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 29-30 August 2019, organised by Centre for Management Technology (CMT), focussing on the global cannabis market outlook and investment landscape

According to the research firm Prohibition Partners, momentum among consumers and businesses for the legalisation of cannabis for medical use is reaching ‘critical mass’ globally and consumption of medical cannabis in Asia is likely to increase faster than in other early-adopter regions.

“In our view, while Asian investors and start-ups continue to keep an eye on legal developments in Europe and North America, western-based cannabis companies are getting ready to explore new opportunities in the Asian market,” the research firm said.

In India, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is doing research on the medicinal use of cannabis for treating diseases like cancer, epilepsy and sickle cell anaemia in collaboration with Bombay Hemp Company (BOHECO). The Ministry of Health and Welfare issued a research licence to grow cannabis to the CSIR-IIIM in collaboration with BOHECO in 2017. BOHECO is among the first companies in India to explore industrial and medical hemp – across several domains such as hemp textiles, foods, cosmetics, ayurvedic hemp products and hemp-based nanomaterials.

Some of the major focal points include:

· Understanding the medical cannabis investment landscape and regulatory hurdles in Thailand

· Integration of medical cannabis in Thai traditional medicine

· China – Industrial hemp cultivation and value chain investment case study

· From farm to pharmaceutical products – Israel’s experience; accessing capital markets for cannabis investments – options and challenges

· Cannabis Legislation In New Zealand: Reflections On Government Efforts To Design World-Leading Medicinal Cannabis and Full Legalisation

· Outlook of the medical cannabis industry in Australia

· The future of sustainable fashion and hemp fibres industry

· Industrial and medical cannabis investment in India

· Commercialisation of plant-derived Cannabinoid prescription medicines to meet global demand

· Pharmaceutical development in man-made Cannabinoids

· “Green green profits” - the cultivation of outdoor medical cannabis as a business model for Asia