RX Japan's AGRI WEEK rebrands to JAGRI

JAGRIs mission is to bring together next-generation agricultural technologies from around the world, fostering innovation within Japan and Asia. (Image source: RX Japan)

Following the success of the previous edition of AGRI WEEK, RX Japan announced a strategic rebranding of its premier agricultural exhibition, with the event now being known as JAGRI

The decision stems from a dedicated effort to clarify the vision and mission of the exhibition, reflecting a bold step towards unifying the domestic and international identities of the exhibition for a more cohesive and impactful global presence. With a renewed focus on contributing to the agricultural landscape in Japan and Asia, RX Japan further positions itself as a premier organiser of international agricultural exhibitions with JAGRI.

The name 'JAGRI' symbolises the essence of the exhibition – 'J' for Japan, 'A' for Asia Agriculture, and 'I' for Innovation. By unifying the exhibition's name both domestically and overseas, RX Japan aims to create a platform that seamlessly connects diverse agricultural domains and promotes comprehensive discussions on the latest trends and innovations. 

JAGRI stands out as a comprehensive agricultural exhibition. From agricultural materials and smart farming technologies to products related to the sixth industry, livestock, and SDGs-aligned products, JAGRI offers a unique platform for participants to explore, compare, and consider all agricultural-related products under one roof. Additionally, there are plans to enhance its conference programme, offering visitors a unique opportunity to delve into the latest developments and trends in Japanese and Asian agriculture. This expansion will provide a comprehensive platform for knowledge exchange and in-depth insights into the agricultural landscape.

This year, the Kyushu show is set to take place from 22–24 May 2024, at Grandmesse Kumamoto. Subsequently, the Tokyo show is scheduled for 9–11 October 2024, at Makuhari Messe. JAGRI invites farmers, companies, retailers, agricultural cooperatives, and professionals to join hands in shaping the future of agriculture in Japan and Asia.

For more information, visit www.jagriglobal.jp/hub/en-gb.html