VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia postponed to 18-20 January 2022

The event will focus on total animal value chain. (Image source: VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia)

As the worldwide situation is still very critical and a long way from being solved, VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia is postponed to 18-20 January 2022

COVID-19 is still disrupting businesses around the world and we have concluded that being present at the exhibition is, at the moment, not our client’s priority.

“We evaluated an alternative date in the second half of this year, but as both health and financial situations in the world by then are very unclear, we believe postponing the event to the beginning of 2022 is in the interest of the market and the participants. This way there is more time to let the situation and business get back to normal. Another reason to choose January 2022, instead of the second half of this year, is the full event calendar, which could create a conflict of dates for our visitors and exhibitors.”

“Postponing the event to January 2022 will give all stakeholders room to breathe and pay attention to other vital issues. Our mission is to present a strong, value-adding event to the industry with high benefits for all parties. Due to the consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak, we are unable to succeed in this mission and therefore we believe it is the right decision for the market and we will come back stronger together in 2022,” the organiser stated in a statement.

VICTAM and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia is re-scheduled to January 18 – 20, 2022 at BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand. The objective remains the same: to realise the total animal feed and health event organized by VICTAM and VIV.  

The Victam Corporation and VIV worldwide will also continue their partnership in Europe in 2022 by organising VICTAM International and VIV Europe together at the Jaarbeurs exhibition grounds in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from 31 May – 2 June  2022. The set-up of this exhibition is different from the Asia event, as VIV Europe and VICTAM International will be co-located but with each exhibition in their own halls.