
Agricultural production declined by 1.5% in Philippines

In the second quarter of 2021, the value of agricultural production at constant 2018 prices has decreased by 1.5% in Philippines, mainly due to the decline in livestock and fisheries production, according to Philippines Statistics Authority

Crops, which accounted for 56.2% of the total agricultural production, grew by 3.1%. Production of palay and corn went up by 1.2% and 6.3%, respectively.

Livestock production, which dropped by -19.3%, contributed 14.2% to the total agricultural production. Hog production decreased by -26.2%.

Poultry production, which shared 13.5% in the total agricultural production, recorded a 2.5% increase in the second quarter of 2021, from -4.7% decline in the same period last year. Duck, chicken eggs, and duck eggs posted production increments.

Fisheries, which contributed 16.1% to the total agricultural production, went down by -1.1%. Double-digit declines in production were noted for yellowfin tuna (tambakol/bariles) at -34.9%, roundscad (galunggong) at -18.3%, threadfin bream (bisugo) at -17.1%, frigate tuna (tulingan) at -16.9%, fimbriated sardines (tunsoy) at -13.7%, skipjack (gulyasan) at -12.0%, and Bali sardinella (tamban) at -10.0%.

At current prices, the value of agricultural production amounted to PhP 503.3 billion in the second quarter of 2021. This was 7.2% higher than the level recorded in the same period of the previous year.