
CLAAS TELEMATICS and Climate FieldView offer easy data management

To simplify farming operations, CLAAS TELEMATICS portal has to be connected through the CLAAS API offering access to new data science capabilities and ensuring seamless transfer of harvest information and insights from CLAAS TELEMATICS to FieldView

Climate FieldView, the flagship product of The Climate Corporation and CLAAS TELEMATICS can now be connected through the CLAAS API (application programming interface) to enable easy data exchange for field-specific and site-specific documentation 

Reliable data flows are essential for precision farming. Successful fertiliser, crop protection and planting and sowing strategies depend upon access to accurate information about the previous years’ yields and site-specific yield differences. To ensure this vital information is provided seamlessly, and at farmers’ discretion, the FieldView platform and the CLAAS TELEMATICS portal can now be connected through the CLAAS API offering access to new data science capabilities and ensuring seamless transfer of harvest information and insights from CLAAS TELEMATICS to FieldView.

The Automatic Documentation add-on option in CLAAS TELEMATICS facilitates driver-independent, field-specific and site-specific documentation, making it possible to obtain a complete overview of each field worked taking account of all recorded parameters. And, in addition to machine data and consumption figures, yield data and measurements from NIR sensors, can also be documented. When a farmer or contractor connects their CLAAS TELEMATICS account to their FieldView account via the CLAAS API, the documented harvest values from the TELEMATICS system are retrieved and sent to the FieldView user’s inbox as posting proposals. From there, the customer can select the files they’d like to sync with their FieldView account and further process the complete field-related documentation in FieldView.

With this connectivity, yield values and yield maps from a CLAAS combine harvester can be used in FieldView to generate site-specific planting prescriptions or fertiliser maps for the coming season helping farmers increase their profitability, actively manage risk and save valuable time by gathering data and conducting analysis all in one place.