
Malaysia to set up agropolitan agriculture university

The Malaysian government will set up an agropolitan agriculture university to emphasise on agricultural development in the country, according to a minister

Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, deputy minister of agriculture and agro-based Industry, said that the government intended to establish an institution specialising in agricultural development, according to a report in Bernama.

“Emphasis on agriculture should be stepped up and developed, from time to time, as it is the source of food for the people.

“Knowledge, research and technology should be sustained with an agricultural knowledge store and centre,” he added.

Rahman also said re-establishing an agricultural institution was the best measure to carry out research and development on the latest technology to boost agriculture in the country.

“Currently, we have Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM),” he added.

According to Rahman, the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) has always been carrying out research and introducing new technologies in the field.

“MARDI has been entrusted to continuously conduct research in food, agriculture and agro-based industry to seek methods of raising productivity in agriculture, including research, to improve padi yield,” he added.