

The app aims to help the next-gen farmers and technology. (Image source: kie-ker/Pixabay)

Aquaponics AI, a social-impact aquaponic technology company, has released mobile app to enable small and large farms to simplify data, understand the system and achieve a better growth

The minister said that this MoU provides the farmers with a golden opportunity to change their production habits. (Image source: PHÚC LONG/Unsplash)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Japan’s Yamato Green on the development of the ‘safe vegetable’ sub-sector for the domestic market and export

Part of SAC Consulting’s role has been to gauge more broadly how much support is required among farmers in taking on digital tools. (Image source: Pexels/Pixabay)

SAC Consulting, part of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), has partnered with precision farming company SoilEssentials and farmer-owned cooperative Grampian Growers to support the uptake of the innovative Tuberzone potato technology among growers from Angus to Aberdeenshire to the Black Isl

Agritel’s data and analysis tools will help farmers and agro-industrial companies manage risk in agricultural commodity markets. (Image source: Catkin/Pixabay)

Global commodity information service Argus has purchased Agritel, provider of information, consulting and forecasting on agricultural and agro-industrial markets

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