
Priva takes digital threats seriously

The high-tech horticultural sector in the Netherlands is changing rapidly due to new technological developments

As a result, the sector is becoming increasingly interesting to cybercriminals. For Priva, this is a reason to make data security a priority and to have its services regularly tested by independent ethical hackers.

Horticultural sector interesting for cybercriminals

Cloud technology and data security are topics that are becoming increasingly relevant in the horticultural sector. New applications are drastically changing the way we grow. This offers opportunities for further optimisation of processes, sustainability, and growth of the entire sector. However, the data and technologies used can also become targets for espionage and data theft. 

Priva has data security high on the agenda

Developing cloud services is a challenging process that requires expertise and a secure and stable cloud platform. The Microsoft Azure platform on which the Priva Open Platform is built meets strict requirements and is certified according to common international standards for data security.

On top of the Microsoft Azure platform, Priva develops secure cloud services. During the development and use of its products and services, Priva applies security principles such as ‘security by design’ and ‘defence in depth’. In addition, Priva thoroughly tests the security and works in line with international standards in the field of information security.

Testing, testing and more testing

Priva’s architects and security specialists work closely with the development teams, so that information security is an integral part of the development process. During development, tests are already being carried out to determine whether the products and services meet the required security level. Products and services are also tested regularly during use and there is a continuous focus on security and stability.

Ethical hacking

Independent ethical hackers regularly test Priva’s products and services. This is done during so-called pen tests (penetration tests). Findings are investigated and resolved so that the security level is continuously increased.

Five Priva cloud services were recently subjected to a pen test. A TPM (third party memorandum) was recently issued for MyPriva, Priva Operator, Priva Alarms, Plantonomy and an application that will soon be available. These statements indicate that the services are adequately secured. These tests are repeated regularly. Soon Priva expects more TPM statements for other products and cloud services.

International standards

In addition to testing, Priva considers it important to demonstrably comply with applicable international standards for information security and quality management. Therefore, ISO standards 27001 and 9001 are currently being implemented. This is an important step in demonstrating that information security and quality management are structurally embedded in the organisation.