
Promoting sustainability by turning food waste into personal care

Chia Tai Farm by Chia Tai Group, one of Thailand’s leading innovative agricultural companies, has launched personal care products made from Thai melon extract

The product aims to add value to the Thai melon industry and showcase the company's solution to process food waste on a sustainable basis

According to the company, the main ingredient of the products is “Morakot Melon extract” which is the most popular melon variety from Chia Tai farm. The second graded Morakot melons are separated for processing into a melon extract, which becomes the main ingredient to produce personal care products. 

Supaporn Kietisirikajorn, assistant vice-president CEO's Office, Chia Tai Company said, “Chia Tai has been aware of how to utilise natural resources and concerned about the environment, that is the reason why we keep focusing on sustainable development. This Morakot Melon personal care by Chia Tai Farm is our latest product that we developed to add value to an agricultural product and manage food waste. We selected Morakot Melon as the main ingredient because its benefits and efficiency, plus its unique scent are still maintained during the production process for shower cream, body scrub, body lotion, and hand cream.”

“Our production process has been accredited by the Thai FDA. In addition to the natural ingredients, these products are cruelty-free which means we don’t use animals during the testing process. Stepping into the health and beauty market reflects how Chia Tai Farm never stops trying to become Thailand’s King of Melon. Apart from selling fresh fruits, we also expand to lifestyle market to meet consumers’ every need,” she added.