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To win the fight against hunger, Asia-Pacific countries need to address climate change. (Image source: Sasin Tipchai/Pixabay)

About 40 countries in the Asia-Pacific region have united to improve nutrition, eradicate hunger and coordinate approaches to tackle the effects of climate change on the region’s agricultural sectors

Use of algae can reduce antibiotics in livestock farming. (Tim Button/Flickr)

As the marine algae business is growing fast and attracting increasing attention due to the nutritional quality of algae and the abundance of bioactive molecules, it offers a potential for applications, especially in the human food and animal feed sectors

The programme aims to increase employment opportunities for youths in Samoa. (Image source: Walmart/Flickr)

In an effort to curb youth unemployment in Samoa, young farmers in Samoa are equipping themselves with skills that will help them gain employment in agriculture

Asia-Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics will help Pacific Island countries in data gathering. (Image source: Asian Development Bank/Flickr)

FAOs Asia-Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics said it would help Pacific Island countries in monitoring their progress on UN  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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