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FAO aims to achieve the SDG targets for 2030 to achieve food security in Asia-Pacific region. (Image source: Deborah Bates/Pixabay)

Although the world’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are clear in targets, it has become more of a challenge to accurately measure progress to reach them, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

Onions undergoing foliar feeding using a low volume shoulder mounted sprayer. (Photo: Omex)

Foliar feeding using soluble products is an effective method of providing nutrients to a plant and can help to improve the production of upland vegetables from the latest issue of Far Eastern Agriculture, available online from 23rd August

Michel Devarrewaere, vice-president of East-West Seed, Ty Sokhun, secretary of State of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Cambodia, Marieke van Schie, team leader-CHAIN, SNV Cambodia. (Image source: East-West Seed)

East-West Seed has held launching ceremony in Cambodia on 17 August 2017, where it stressed on boosting the productivity and sustainability of the vegetable sector by providing quality seeds and training to the farmers in the country

The gene appears to confer a small but important disease-resistance effect on corn plant. (Image source: Erica Firment/Flickr)

The researchers at North Carolina State University have found a specific gene in corn that appears to be associated with resistance to two to three different plant leaf diseases

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