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Since 2015, J-WAFS has supported a number of research projects to improve food and water safety and security. (Image source: CIAT/Flickr)

The Abdul Latif Jameel World Water and Food Security Lab (J-WAFS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is funding new research into harvesting water from air and technology that enhances crop production

At the award ceremony at Krishna Sugars’ premises in Athani, Belgaum, India. (Image source: Case IH)

Case IH, a brand of CNH Industrial, recently helped the Indian sugar factory, Krishna Sugars, win the ‘National Record’ award by harvesting 146 mt sugarcane in just 3.5 hours with the Case IH Austoft 4000 Series sugarcane harvester

World Scientific’s latest titles in agricultural transformation launched by Indian Prime Minister Narendra ModiHonourable Prime Minister releasing the two volumes in the World Scientific Series (to his right, Dr M S Swaminathan and to his left Mr Radha Mohan Singh, Hon Minister of Agriculture). (Image source: WSPC)

World Scientific’s two-part book series entitled ‘M.S. Swaminathan: The Quest for a World Without Hunger’ was launched by Indian Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi on 19 May 2017

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