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The studies focus on best practices for cover crop planting timing. (Image source: AGCO)

AGCO agronomists to determine best practices for regenerative agriculture to optimise soil health and carbon capture

The partnership combines Novus’s nearly 30 years of research, sales and marketing experience with Agrivida’s unique technology. (Image source: Andreas Göllner/Pixabay)

In 2020, Novus International, a specialist in nutrition and health solutions for the animal agriculture industry, has announced plans to redefine its business through an enhanced focus on gut health and innovation

This partnership will help to automate the production process for diverse crops from seed to harvest. (Image source: Philips)

Lighting Specialist Signify has signed a partnership agreement with Artechno, a provider of scalable automated vertical farm systems, to make it easier for growers and entrepreneurs to start a vertical farm using Philips GreenPower LED lighting

The AVIX Autonomic Mark II is a fully automated laser bird deterrent device. (Image source: Bird Control Group)

Gazzola Farms located in Melbourne, Australia, has deployed the laser bird deterrent in 2018 to effectively solve bird damage to their celery and lettuce crops

Small-scale farmers currently produce half of the world’s food calories, but are often entirely reliant on natural resources, including rain. (Image source: Aamir Mohd Khan/Pixabay)

Gilbert F. Houngbo, president of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), said if investments to help rural small-scale farmers adapt to climate change do not substantially increase, we risk widespread hunger and global instability

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