

The agreement will make it easier for farmers from the participating countries to access climate change resilient seeds. (Image source: John1cse/Pixabay)

A multi-country seed policy agreement that speeds up the distribution of modern rice varieties across countries in South and Southeast Asia has been signed following a meeting of agriculture ministers and representatives of nine countries at Siem Reap, Cambodia

Farming and livestock sectors typically bear more than 80 per cent of the damage and losses caused by climate change. (Photo: Deankruger/Pixabay)

FAO and IOM call for renewed focus on rural development and sustainable agriculture to mitigate climate disasters that are displacing one person every second

Micro-irrigation is growing in popularity in water scare regions. (Photo: Floki/Shutterstock)

The global micro-irrigation systems market is expected to grow at a CAGR over five per cent from 2016 to 2022 according to a report published by Market Research Future

IoT sensors can help famers keep track of their produce through all stages of production. (Photo: Arina P Habich/Shutterstock)

A new Internet of Things (IoT) research study from Inmarsat reveals that the use of IoT for environmental monitoring is helping businesses meet import requirements in more countries than ever

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