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The US department of agriculture revised the exports to a four-year low of 2.5m tonnes in 2014-15. (Image source: Maja/

China has clamped down corn imports from the USA by 500,000 tonnes this year over claims of containing a genetically modified variety not approved by Beijing

Vietnam has around 10mn farming households in rural areas and 70 per cent of the population is involved in agriculture. (Image source: Pam Morris/Flickr)

Vietnam and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) have signed a contract to establish the country’s first international agricultural research centre

Rice production in Thailand represents a significant portion of the Thai economy and labor force. (Image source: n1kw/Flickr)

Thailand’s National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) has renewed its collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture in an effort to continue a rice development programme in the country

The country has to import nine million tonnes of maize for feed production annually. (Image source: Waytru/Flickr)

Vietnam’s Agriculture Ministry has approved the import of four corn varieties in August 2015

The increase in demand for chocolate was almost seven times greater in Asia compared to that of traditional European markets. (Image source: Salina Hainzl/

The world will run out of cocoa by 2020 and even bumper crops may not be able to keep up with soaring demand from Asia, biggest international confectionery manufacturers have warned

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