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Agritechnica 2023 to bring renewable solutions to agriculture

AdobeStock 370390396Agritechnica, the worlds leading trade fair for agricultural machinery, will offer a dedicated area to the topic of renewable energies

Organised by DLG (German Agricultural Society), Agritechnica will take place 12-18 November 2023 in Hanover, Germany. The deadline for exhibitors to book a stand is 1 February 2023.   

"Generating energy from renewable sources on the farm has been a core agricultural competence since the beginning of the energy transition," explained Marcus Vagt, DLG’s division manager for Energy, Inhouse Farming and New Foods. 

Photovoltaic systems for self-sufficient generation - with and without electrical storage - are becoming economically attractive due to rising costs for fossil energies. Modern agriculture is in an ideal position to become a key part of a stable, decentralised and CO2-neutral energy supply. Being regional with short supply chains as well as proximity to the consumer, renewable energies in agriculture is looking promising.

"In the future, we will be offering knowledge and information about this topic on an annual basis through the two major DLG trade fairs, EuroTier and Agritechnica," commented Vagt, explaining the decision to include the energy sector at Agritechnica.

At Agritechnica, manufacturers from the photovoltaic, electrical storage and wind power sectors can make new contacts with decision-makers from a qualified professional target group with decades of experience in renewable energies.

Under the guiding theme of 'Green Productivity', Agritechnica will be the forum for future issues in agriculture later this year. Visitors around the world will meet key players and game-changers in international agricultural technology. All globally operating agricultural machinery companies are represented at Agritechnica’s venue in Hanover. Offering the most comprehensive and varied trade fair programme for international arable and crop farming, Agritechnica presents the whole range of agricultural machinery, from crop protection sprayers to drones, from tractors to autonomous equipment systems and from combine harvesters to digital assistance systems.