
Far Eastern Agriculture weekly digest - 14th - 18th August

Max Pixel for FEAG 307Here is a brief overview of the week’s news on Far Eastern Agriculture, from 14th - 18th August 2017

Hypor emphasises on ventilation to avoid heat stress for pigs 

Hypor, the global supplier of pig genetics, has provided producers with the practical tips aiming to maintaining high production from farrow as well as helping the pork producers in research and knowledge to reduce heat stress. Click here to read the full story.  

Tuna export revenue increases 21 per cent in Vietnam 

Tuna export turnover in Vietnam has risen 21 per cent year-on-year to hit US$271mn in the first half of 2017, according to the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP). Click here to read the full story.  

Asia-Pacific crop protection pesticides market is expected to reach US$19.09bn by 2021 

According to the report Asia Pacific Crop Protection Pesticides Market, published by Market Data Forecast, The Market has been estimated at US$14bn in 2016 and is projected to reach US$19.09bn by 2021, at a CAGR of 6.40 per cent. Click here to read the full story.  

GroGenesis announce Sadru Habib as Managing Director in Southeast Asia for distribution of organic agricultural input, AgraBurst PRO 

GroGenesis, Inc, a global sustainable agriculture company and producer of AgraBurst PRO™, an organic, non-GMO agricultural input for growers' crops including fruit, vegetables, palm and rice, announced Mr. Sadru Habib as Managing Director for GroGenesis, Inc. for countries in the Southeast Asia region including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Click here to read the full story.  

Pottinger unveil new global spare parts logistics centre 

The rapid availability of spare parts is a central success factor for farmers and contractors and for Pottinger it is, therefore, the basis for the best customer service. Click here to read the full story.