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DLG announced the winners of the EuroTier innovation award

EuroTier is te world’s leading trade fair for animal production. (Image source: EuroTier)

An independent expert committee appointed by the German Agricultural Society (DLG) has determined the winners of the Innovation Award EuroTier from among 250 approved submissions for product innovations, based on stringent criteria

The Innovation Award EuroTier 2018 in gold or silver has been awarded to a total of 26 product innovations.

EuroTier Innovation Award, which is handed to the winners at the show every two years.

Germany’s Meier-Brakenberg GmbH & Co is the winner of the Innovation Award EuroTier 2018 in gold.

Optimal feed hygiene is indispensable for animal health and performance in pig farming. Here particular attention must also be paid to the feed troughs, for feed remains in the trough offer an excellent breeding ground for mould and bacteria. In the past, the remains were generally manually removed from the trough with a bucket and shovel.

This manual emptying of the trough is not only cumbersome and in some cases dangerous for the user; feed remains are frequently left in the corners, where they can quickly spoil. With the Speedy trough cleaner, which is simply connected to the gun of a high-pressure cleaner, feed remains can be removed from troughs in an extremely short time. And it makes no difference whether the feed is wet or dry. The feed sucked out can be caught in a container or drained off into the manure. After emptying, the trough can be cleaned quickly with the washing lance by simply switching over to the cleaning nozzle. This ensures optimum hygiene; the next ration of feed remains fresh longer and is taken up better.

The winners of the Innovation Award EuroTier 2018 in silver are The Netherlands’ NEDAP NV, Austria’s smaXtec animal care, Germany’s URBAN, Schippers, Albert Kerbl, Ireland’s Dairymaster, Sweden’s DeLaval International and others.