DLG to support International Rice Research Institute for congress in Philippines

DLG will leverage synergies from its international knowledge network and the Agritechnica. (Image source: Agritechnica)

As part of its cooperation with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), the DLG (German Agricultural Society) will support this year’s International Rice Congress (IRC 2023), 16-19 October, in Manila, Philippines

IRC 2023 is the largest gathering of the stakeholders of rice-based food systems worldwide. Under the terms of the partnership, DLG will leverage synergies from its international knowledge network and the Agritechnica, the world’s leading trade fair for agricultural machinery.

 “There is an urgency to focus the discussions on how to provide holistic science-based solutions to the combined impacts of climate extremes, looming rice crisis, conflict and economic shocks to the rice value chain. We look forward to meeting long-time partners and collaborators as well as new players in the agri-food, climate change, and nutrition sector and learn from each other,” said IRRI director general, Jean Balié.

With its central theme “Accelerating Transformation of Rice-Based Food Systems: From Gene to Globe,” IRC 2023 will highlight solutions and innovations that could help address critical issues on agriculture and climate change, food and nutrition security, environmental sustainability, and human and economic development.

Bringing rice and technical machinery experts together in one venue at the IRC 2023 is a significant advantage for participants, representing the entire rice value chain – from rice farmers and producers to marketers and consumers.

The sixth edition of International Rice Congress will be held at the Philippine International Convention Centre (PICC), which has recently been declared as a Natural Cultural Treasure for its richness in Filipino history, heritage and culture. Previous International Rice Congress have been held in Beijing (2002), New Delhi (2006), Hanoi (2010), Bangkok (2014), and Singapore (2018). This year’s congress will be the first edition held in the Philippines, the headquarters of IRRI.

The last International Rice Congress attracted some 1,500 delegates from 64 countries, including high-level representatives from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Food Programme, International Fund for Agricultural Development, governments of India, Uganda and Singapore, Bayer Crop Science, Oxfam, and Corteva Agriscience. The event also featured over 300 posters with technical details on individual topics and more than 400 research presentations of different studies across the globe.

DLG entered a partnership with IRRI in 2018 to support the organisation of its fifth International Rice Congress.