
EuroTier 2024 to honour engineering ingenuity in animal husbandry

We Innovate Animal Farming is the guiding theme of this year's EuroTier. (Image source: EuroTier)

As part of EuroTier, which is scheduled to be held from 12-15 November 2024 in Hanover, Germany, the DLG (German Agricultural Society), as the organiser, will be presenting three different awards for engineering ingenuity

A recognition of the outstanding importance of animal husbandry technology needed for sustainable livestock farming, the awards reflect three key areas of innovation: visions and concepts; animal welfare and animal health; and market ready products and machines for practical use.

"We innovate animal farming" is the guiding theme of this year's EuroTier. True to this idea, the DLG will once again be conferring three types of awards to companies that present innovative solutions designed to master current challenges such as animal welfare, sustainability and food security in modern livestock farming. The DLG Innovation Awards underline the potential of technical visions and innovations to unite productivity with resource protection and animal welfare.

The DLG Innovation Award EuroTier is one of the leading awards in the international agricultural livestock sector. The award recognises innovations for practical farm use and underlines the importance of modern animal husbandry technology for agriculture. Exhibiting companies at EuroTier 2024 can take part. Following evaluation and in-depth discussion, the neutral DLG innovation commission will select the winners who will receive the "Innovation Award EuroTier" in gold or silver.

The Animal Welfare Award has been presented by the DLG jointly with the bpt (Bundesverband der praktizierenden Tierärzte – German Association of Practicing Veterinarians) since 2018. The criterion for consideration is winning either a gold or silver medal in the EuroTier Innovation Awards. While animal welfare is just one of several criteria for the innovation awards, the Animal Welfare Award recognizes products and services that "particularly meet the requirements for a higher standard of animal welfare."

At EuroTier and EnergyDecentral in 2024, the DLG will once again present the DLG Agrifuture Concept Winner Award to pioneering work and concepts for sustainable animal husbandry and decentralized energy production. These are concepts and visions that have not yet reached market maturity, but are still in the development phase.

Award winners will be announced at EuroTier’s international press conference held on 24 September 2024.

The closing date for applications for the EuroTier 2024 awards is 31 July 31 2024.