EuroTier China presents preview for 2021 editions

The panel discussion focuses on the latest changes and future trends in the Chinese pig breeding industry. (Image source: EuroTier 2021)

DLG International GmbH as organisers of EuroTier China has presented a preview for the 2021 editions of their trade fairs at EuroTier digital 2021

Panel Discussions at the EuroTier China Preview Day at EuroTier digital 2021:

Spotlight on “Pig farming of the future”

The panel discussion focuses on the latest changes and future trends in the Chinese pig breeding industry. Experts from Europe and China will discuss

-The future Sino-Europe cooperation in the pig breeding industry

-Challenges in the industry such as the changing economics of pork production and disease prevention

-Market outlook: Chinese pig breeding

Prof. Robert Hoste, Senior Pig Production Economist at Wageningen Economic Research, will give the keynote speech. In his speech he will talk about: Pig production shows a large variety among countries in the world in, e.g. efficiency, sustainability, farm size, cost of production and supply chain cooperation. Further industrialisation and integration of supply chains is to be expected. Based on a 4P model, the speech will focus on elements that will shape the future’s pig production. Just to mention a few: resource efficiency, animal health control, the role of concerned employees, smart farming, and risk management. The contribution will address challenges as well as opportunities in future pig production.

Industry experts will join him in the panel discussion:

–Chris Wang, National Sales Director at Danbred

–Hans Olijslagers, chief technology officer at Topigs Norsvin

–Li Zhu from Sichuang Agricultural University, National Breeding Centre

Other panel discussions at the EuroTier China Preview Day include:

–Aspects for efficient feeding and alternative protein sources for Chinese pig industry with Dr Shengdi Hu – Head of Feed Recipe Center, New Hope Group and 

Gerhard Stalljohann – Head of Department Animal Husbandry and Feeding Pigs, Chamber of Agriculture North Rhine-Westphalia

–Cold chain management in aquaculture – how to prevent disease determination with Mrs Dr Edda Bartels – Head of LAVES Institute for Fish and Fishery Products Cuxhaven and Mr He Cui – Chairman of China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance.

–New antibiotic resolution – improving health management in animal farming with Dr Hendrik Nienhoff – Pig Health Department, Chamber of Agriculture Lower Saxony and Prof. Volker Kroemker - Professor, University of Copenhagen.