ICRISAT director general addresses NAARM's leadership development programme in Hyderabad

Ch Srinivasa Rao, director of ICAR-NAARM presents a memento to Jacqueline Hughes. (Image source: ICRISAT)

Jacqueline Hughes, director general of ICRISAT on 21 August, addressed the training participants of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at the invitation of the ICAR - National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (ICAR-NAARM) in Hyderabad, India

As the chief guest for the event, Hughes inaugurated NAARM's Executive Development Programme (EDP) for leadership development, which aims to empower national research managers and leaders in various roles, including directors and assistant directors general, with enhanced leadership capacities and competencies.

During the event, Hughes emphasised the importance of transformative leadership in driving positive change and advancing innovation within the area of agricultural research. Her insights encouraged participants to embark on their individual leadership journey within the national agricultural research and education system, while appreciating the synergies and opportunities through collaboration with international institutes and global research organisations.

The programme, which concludes on 26 August, strives to equip research managers and leaders with practical tools and strategies that allow them to efficiently navigate challenges and seize opportunities, while steering agriculture research and development toward greater efficiency and impact. 

For more information, visit: https://www.icrisat.org/