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IFT 2018 to showcase latest invention in agriculture

International Farming Technology Expo is the first major event in Indonesia that focuses on farming and agriculture industry. (Image source:IFT)

The fourth International Farming Technology (IFT) Exhibition will be held from 26-28 September 2018 at the JIExpo Kemayoran in Jakarta, Indonesia

IFT 2018 is expected to provide a platform for the introduction of high-tech solutions and innovations that are much needed to meet future challenges. The exhibition will explore the latest invention in the agriculture and farming industries and provide networking opportunities for various industry players from across the globe.

Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago with lucrative potentials. Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of palm oil and a leading global producer of cocoa, rubber and coffee. As many as 38.07mn people are working in the farming industry. Indonesia is also experiencing a rapid growth of population which in turn catapults the demand for farming commodities.

The seventh president of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has made a clear statement as quoted by, stating that “Farming and agriculture, along with the energy, are what drive our economy. These have become our focus.”

The statement is aligned with Indonesia’s master plan in 2015 to position agriculture as a key economic driver. The utilisation of advanced technology will be the key that sparks new research and innovative solution to boost the production capacity. While the country aims to gain larger market share as a global producers throught higher export volumes, robust efforts are also made to increase self sufficiency for domestic markets.