Looking ahead to Starch World Asia 2017

Potato starch to be discussed at Starch World Asia 2017. (Image source: Onlymyself65536/Commons)

16 - 18 January 2017, Ho Ci Minh, Eastin Grand Hotel, Saigon will host the 6th Starch World Asia, an event which Far Eastern Agriculture is partnering 

The 6th annual Starch World Asia 2017 will focus on the "Future growth of Asia's starch markets and competitiveness of raw materials" and "New policies and government support drives starch industry growth." 

With the event taking place in Vietnam, CMT’s 6th Starch World ASIA will gather fresh new authoritative speakers that will share their challenges and concerns on ASIA’s starch market.

There will be a highlights to take from the show such as China's corn movements and how the government's subsidies on its corn processing industry and its implications, Vietnam's new policy agenda for developing the cassava and value chain industry, and an outlook for Asia starch markets after last year's adjustment in raw material prices. 

Other highlights will include an outlook of tapioca starch and downstream industries: modified starch and starch syrup development in Vietnam, biotechnology for sustainable cassava production and sustainable production or cassava and challenges on getting from farm to factory and the impact of the market. 

There will be agriculture and agro industrial crops plantation companies, fermentation and enzyme buyers and food, textile and pharmaceutical industry players. 

More information on Starch World Asia 2017 will continue on Far Eastern Agriculture, online and in print, and bookings to the event can be seen on the CMT Events web space here