Macfrut 2020 rescheduled in September

The consumption of avocados has increased worldwide in the last few years. (Image source: Ma_Rika /Pixabay)

Due to the progressive spread of the Covid-19 virus, the board of directors of Cesena Fiera decided to move Macfrut – the international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector – to 8-10 September 2020 in Rimini

The event intends to focus on exotic fruits.

According to data processed by CIRAD, based on EUROSTAT and professional sources, in the 2018-2019 season, avocado consumption in Europe increased by 19 per cent over the previous season and by as much as 111 per cent over 2013-2014, with an estimated total of 636,119 tonnes.

In terms of sales volumes, the first consumer country in Europe is France, with 145,000 tonnes consumed, followed by the UK (105,633 tonnes), Germany (82,327 tonnes) and Spain (72,122 tonnes). Italy ranks sixth, with 22,340 tonnes. However, in terms of per capita consumption, Denmark ranks first (2.69 kg), followed by Norway (non-EU country – 2.53 kg), the Netherlands (2.32 kg), France (2.16 kg) and Sweden (2.07 kg).

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