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PP&DFA 2018 to focus on Asia’s pig, poultry and dairy sector

The event is set o attract international speakers from the pig, poultry and dairy industry. (Image source: VNU Exhibitions)

The Pig, Poultry and Dairy Focus Asia 2018 (PP&DFA 2018) will be held from 21 - 23 March 2018, in Bangkok, Thailand, focusing on the pig, poultry and dairy industries across the Asia-Pacific region

Organised by VNU Exhibitions Asia Pacific Co, Ltd. and Positive Action Publications Ltd, the three-day technical conference aims to bring together about 95 international speakers from around the world from management, nutrition, veterinary and breeding fields.

Nigel Horrox, owner of Positive Action Publications and a livestock professional with 42 years of experience, said that Klaus Hoffman, who gained his PhD for studies on the transcriptional regulation of interferon genes from the Free University in Berlin, will be speaking on ‘Immunomodulators - Efficient alternatives to AGPs’ and will highlight how these substances impact beneficially on the animal’s immune system and the potential they have as AGP replacers.

Horrox further said that Ron Eek, a broiler geneticist in the Netherlands, is expected to address major players from the region’s table egg industry. One more expert in Animal production is Ricardo Munoz who gained his veterinary degree in Bogota, Columbia. Ricardo will explain his views on the topical subject of biosecurity.

Nigel said that PP&DFA is a successful event that is unique and outstanding from the other conferences because of the technical content of the papers. “Our speakers come mainly from the major companies supplying the livestock world who run their own technical and R&D teams. They have sourced the latest findings from the universities and other research establishments and have adapted them to meet their customers’ needs. Thus, these speakers have a unique background, they understand the research and why it was done, and they have a good working knowledge of the industry.”

The comprehensive technical programme is set to attract speakers, many of whom have more than 20 years’ practical experience of working with livestock industry.

The event will also provide a networking opportunity with the technical people and industry leaders including the major broiler producers from South and South East Asia. It is expected to give the visitor a unique insight about pig, poultry and dairy cows in the region.