Record-breaking attendance for VICTAM and GRAPAS Asia 2024

The mix of attendees fostered valuable discussions and connections. (Image source: VICTAM International)

In March 2024, Bangkok hosted the 16th edition of VICTAM Asia and GRAPAS Asia, alongside Health & Nutrition Asia, at BITEC

Breaking records, the event attracted 8,722 visitors from 73 countries, highlighting its importance in the animal feed and grain processing industries. This year, 315 exhibitors from around the world showcased their latest products and innovations, confirming the event's status as Asia's go-to exhibition for these sectors.

The significant jump in attendance, a 42.5% increase from 2022, reflects a growing interest in these fields and marks a solid recovery and growth after the challenges posed by the pandemic. The event brought together a wide range of industry leaders, including executives from top companies like AMP International and Cargill, as well as ASEAN investors and academics. This mix of attendees fostered valuable discussions and connections.

A key part of the event was the comprehensive programme of conferences and seminars. With 141 speakers from 14 countries, topics covered included the future of livestock feed, shrimp farming innovations, and advancements in feed safety and milling technology. The third International Feed Technology Congress, organised with Wageningen University, focused on the ASEAN feed industry's developments and challenges.

Conferences like ‘Flour Milling Maximised’ discussed the changing wheat processing industry, addressing both current practices and future directions. Another highlight was the Thai Feed Mill Association conference, where discussions centered on modernising livestock feed for 2024 and managing carbon footprints. The ‘Networking Night’ was another event highlight, drawing over 250 industry professionals for an evening of discussions and networking.

This event emphasised the industry's strong interest in the latest technological advancements. The next edition of VICTAM Asia and GRAPAS Asia together with Health & Nutrition Asia is scheduled for 10–12 March 2026, at BITEC, Bangkok.

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