Shrimp Summit 2024 to kick off in June this year

The Shrimp Summit 2024 will be taking place from 27-29 June in Chennai, India. (Image source: TCRS)


As the shrimp industry continues to experience a crisis of low prices, the Centre for Responsible Seafood (TCRS) is organising the Shrimp Summit 2024 from 27-29 June in Chennai, India 

Discussions will focus on critical topics such as improving the livelihoods and sustainability of smallholder producers, who dominate shrimp production in Asia and are beyond the reach of certification. Improver programmes supported by the Choice Group in India and the Walmart Foundation are taking shape, in collaboration with the Global Seafood Alliance and The Nature Conservancy.

A couple of new additions to the summit include digital technology and as well as discussions on the implications of new anti-dumping regulations and countervailing duties. In-depth discussions will also be centered on global production and markets, disease management, shrimp breeding, growout intensification and sustainable feeds, among others.

AI-powered language translation services (audio and text) will be available for 26 languages. Moreover, tours will be offered on 27 June with sessions taking place on 28 and 29 June. After the Summit Review and Closing, which will highlight actionable outcomes, attendees can reflect and wind down at a finale event.

“The upcoming event will build on that momentum with the continued engagement of retailers, importers, exporters, processors, feed companies, producers, NGOs, and government representatives,” said TCRS president, Dr. George Chamberlain

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