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Taiwan Innovation Agricultural Machinery Pavilion attracts representatives across the world

Taiwan displays advanced agriculture machinery at Taiwan Innovation Agricultural Machinery Pavilion. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

The Taiwan Innovation Agricultural Machinery Pavilion on 27 April aimed at promoting diplomatic relations through agriculture machinery and helping to form win-win agriculture cooperation between Taiwan and countries worldwide

Ambassadors and representatives from 14 countries have visited the pavilion in person. Minister Tsung-Hsien Lin from Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan explained that Taiwan produces high quality agriculture machinery, grain dryers famous worldwide, low-temperature silos and greenhouse environment control facilities.

Tsung-Hsien Lin spoke of enhancing cooperation with the countries around the world, especially those in the New Southbound Policy. Tsung-Hsien Lin further described Taiwan’s plans to widen the export market and make Taiwan an even stronger partner to the agricultural development of countries around the world.

The Council of Agriculture held an orientation in order to promote Taiwan’s high-quality agricultural machinery and to realise the New Southbound Policy.

According to the Council of Agriculture, more than 200,000 people visited the Taiwan Innovation Agricultural Machinery Pavilion. Apart from promoting diplomatic relationships through agriculture machinery, the pavilion also serves as a means to publicise Taiwan’s strength in agricultural machinery and to widen exports.

Through the participation of ambassadors and the overseas youth vocational training workshop, the country hopes to see widened opportunities for agents to represent Taiwan’s agricultural machinery abroad, to strengthen communication with major agricultural sectors worldwide.

The Council of Agriculture reported that the sale of agricultural machinery in Taiwan reaches as high as US$340mn and export sales as high as US$200mn. One goal for the future is to expand exporting market size, said the minister.

Opened on April 4, Taiwan Innovation Agricultural Machinery Pavilion will end on 13 May 2018. The wide range of exhibits and demonstrations on hand is set to provide a deep insight in agricultural production, international exports and economics.