
AGRAGEX to present livestock products

livestock 7mThe Spanish Association of Manufacturers-Exporters of Agricultural Machinery and its Components (AGRAGEX) will be present at the new edition of VIV Asia, one of the main livestock fairs of the Asian continent, to be held in Bangkok from 13-15 March 2019

The livestock sector, in its different aspects including health, nutrition, equipment, breeding and animal reproduction is the absolute protagonist of this international meeting that, in its previous edition (2017), received 46,000 visitors from 127 countries that could know first-hand the products and services exhibited by around 1,250 exhibiting companies from around the world.

Together with AGRAGEX , 30 Spanish companies will show their innovations for the livestock professional during VIV Asia 2019. Some of them include Andrés Pintaluba, Bbzix, CPC, Divasa-Farmavic, Exafan, FM Group, Kubus, Maymo, Rotecna, Silos Córdoba, Veterinary SP, Symaga, Tegasa, Zucami and others.

“VIV Asia is one of the main livestock events not only in Thailand but throughout the Asian continent, as it attracts visitors from countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Korea, Mongolia, India or Pakistan. Year after year and they are already in the 14th edition, their numbers are increasing, implying that attending the event is almost mandatory for the sector,” said Diana Fernández, foreign trade technician at AGRAGEX.

Ramon Arboix, head of international sales of Kromschroeder, one of the companies that will accompany AGRAGEX to Bangkok, said, “Asian markets concentrate a considerable part of poultry and swine production worldwide, and most of them they are in a very expansive moment that makes the presence of European companies essential in this type of sectorial events in order to maintain and increase the market share they may have.