
VIV Asia 2019: Total food value chain in focus

viv totalVIV Asia, one of the leading feed-to-food shows for Asia, is all set to be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 13-15 March 2019, attracting 1,250 exhibitors from 60 countries

The exhibitor list includes many big-name global market leaders and regional as well as national Asian players of growing importance.

VIV Asia 2019 is a multi-species event, covering pigs, poultry broilers and layers, cattle and calves and aquaculture. The event is for the primary producers and processors of each of these animal proteins, along with their suppliers and advisers. In addition, the event has enhanced food engineering section for food manufacturers.

Swine genetics and production systems

Among the conferences dedicated to the pig industry at VIV Asia 2019 are sessions by Pig Progress on 13 March about health and advanced production methods. Thai Swine Raisers’ Association will present a feed-oriented discussion of issues in producing pigs and keeping them healthy.

The International Pig Forum-Asia will take place on 14 March. Backed by Pig International China, its international speakers will discuss the impact of African Swine Fever (ASF) as well as meat consumption trends in Asia and the adoption of smart technology. The same day has a Thai-language meeting of Thailand’s swine veterinary association. Added to this, there will be a pig health conference held by Positive Action Publications on the last day of VIV Asia.

Aquatic serves aquaculture

During VIV Asia 2019, there will be a special feature called Aquatic, addressing the aquatic animal and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region.

Aquatic will offer aquaculture buyers much to network, see and learn, from health products and ingredients to solutions for aquafeed manufacturing. The pavilion is located in Hall 103, putting it within the show section highlighting animal health and feed ingredients and additives so that it is also close to other exhibiting companies that have feed and health products for aquaculture as part of their wider product range.

Organised by Fish Farming Technology / International Aquafeed in association with VIV worldwide and Progressus, Aquatic Asia is a one-day conference featuring international speakers on fish nutrition and aquaculture technology.

There will also be a separate event on 13 March that is coordinated by Dr Mian Riaz of Texas A&M University and provides a one-day conference on extrusion of aquafeeds.

Food engineering in focus

The enhanced food engineering section in Hall 98 contains more than 100 global suppliers, presenting their technologies, equipment and services for added value in animal protein end-products. The section is expected to hold about 10 per cent of all VIV Asia exhibitors, in double the exhibition space used for slaughtering and processing exhibits at the previous edition in 2017.

As a section, food engineering completes the feed-to-food full chain focus of the international event in Bangkok. It focuses on systems for further processing, refrigeration equipment, packaging and logistics as well as the particular ingredients associated with value-added foods.

Professionals in processing, distribution and trading, retail and foodservice are invited by the VIV Asia organisers to apply to join the food engineering hosted buyers’ programme operating at the show. Limited to 50 buyers selected by the VIV Asia 2019/food engineering team from online applications, the programme offers participants the opportunity to meet at least 10 companies of the processing and food engineering section of VIV Asia 2019 through the show’s official business match-making online platform.

For more information, please visit www.vivasia.nl