

The farmed shrimp season in Asia ended in November with an overall sluggish production. (Image source: Stux/Pixabay)

FAO’s latest Globefish report has revealed that global production of farmed shrimp in 2016 remained stagnant, or even fell, compared to the year before owing to lower international prices and outbreaks of disease in a few leading producing countries

The rise of ASEAN countries’ fish production can be attributed to the rapid growth of aquaculture in Southeast Asia and its large offshore fishing fleet. (Photo: USAID U.S. Agency/Flickr

A new report from WorldFish projects that fish production in ASEAN countries will reach 24 per cent of global output by 2030

Australias suspension of shrimp imports has had a negative impact on Vietnamese shrimp raisers and exporters. (Image source: jackmac34/Pixabay)

The Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade, Tran Tuan Anh, has called on the Australian Government to allow the import of prawns and uncooked shrimps again soon

The move is expected to reducing trawling in oceans for fishmeal. (Image source: Hardrockster/Pixabay)

EU countries representatives have voted in favour of the European Commission proposal to open the aquaculture feed market for insect derived protein from July 2017

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