
The importance of an optimal climate in dairy barns

An optimal living environment for dairy cattle requires a good climate. After all, a pleasant barn climate contributes to healthy cattle with high productivity

Ventilating equipment manufacturer Vostermans Ventilation discusses the importance of an optimal climate in dairy barns to help combat damp spots and diseases such as udder infections.

Mastitis, popularly called udder inflammation, costs a dairy farmer an average of US$541 (460 euros) per lactating cow per year. In the first months after calving, this can even amount to more than US$1059 (900 euros), according to GD and Heikkila mastitis model.

Damp stables offer a favourable climate for mastitis and other pathogenic agents. The number of germs and bacteria in the stall cover must be as low as possible. Hygiene in the dairy barn is therefore very important. Optimum ventilation allows the stalls to dry well, which means that bacteria can multiply less quickly. Fewer bacteria in the stall means fewer bacteria on the teats and therefore less risk of udder infection.

If the climate in the barn is not optimal, many other problems, besides mastitis, can arise such as heat stress, nuisance from flies and hoof aliments. These problems result in a lower milk yield with a loss of turnover as a result.

Recognise poor ventilation

Poor ventilation can be recognised by excessive condensation and rust, especially at the rafters of the dairy barn. Spider webs are often an indication of insufficient air flow. Other signs of poor ventilation include ammonia air, excessive coughing or visible condensation on the animals’ backs.

Create a uniform stable climate

An optimal stable climate therefore contributes to the health and performance of the cows and the farm. Good ventilation means the even exchange of stable air with fresh outside air. The required speed of air exchange depends on a number of variables, including the conditions of the outside air (temperature and humidity), animal population and density. It is extremely important to prevent excessive air movements and drafts in the house. That makes cows more susceptible to diseases.

A good ventilation system results in stable air that is almost of the same quality as the outside air all year round. The concentrations of ammonia, other gases, dust and pathogens in the air must be low. The relative humidity must be approximately as high as that of the outside air. With natural ventilation only, these basic points are difficult to control, especially in cold, heat or the highly variable weather conditions in the spring and autumn.

Mechanical ventilation

Using fans, a stable house climate can be guaranteed throughout the year, preventing diseases, reducing veterinary costs and keeping production on track. With the result of a positive effect on the operating result!

Circulation fans for dairy cattle are suitable for serving large areas. A high throw and high air flow are important here. In addition, the positioning of the fans in the barn is important, so that damp spots are prevented.

When choosing the type of fans used in dairy barns it is important to consider the following:

-The durability and reliability of the fans

-The suitability for intensive use

-As high throw (over a large distance a minimum air speed of 2m/s)

-The resistance to aggressive conditions.

If you have any questions about ventilation in dairy barns or if you want to know more about the Multifan solutions, please contact us via www.vostermans.com/contact or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be happy to help you!