
Evonik launches AMINONIR Portable

Evonik has launched AMINONIR Portable, a mobile NIR service with a world’s-first feature: amino acid calibrations

AMINONIR Portable enables reliable determination of energy, nutrients in feed raw materials and feed as well as amino acids in feed raw materials on-site and independently from the laboratory.

The handheld device connects to the tablet or cell phone of the user. Only mobile signal reception and a handful of feed or raw materials without further sample preparation are required to determine their quality at almost any location within minutes.

“The efficiency of animal feeding, and the ecological footprint of livestock farming, strongly depend on the nutritional quality of raw materials and feeds,” said Dr Stefan Mack, head of service marketing in the Animal Nutrition business line at Evonik. “We have always supported our customers in optimising those. Now, as the first in the world, we’re offering a comprehensive mobile solution. This will allow for timely quality checks and decision-making at critical steps in feed production which is very difficult to achieve when relying only on the traditional lab setup.”  

AMINONIR Portable can be used to analyse more than 40 different feed materials and feed mixtures for broilers, laying hens, pigs and fish. It significantly extends the use of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) that Evonik has been offering as AMINONIR services for 25 years.