
Innovad’s feed additive solutions for global livestock sector

Speaking to Far Eastern Agriculture at the Poultry India 2019 conference, Kristof Geudens, marketing and communication manager at Innovad SA, spoke about the company’s extensive range of products and solutions in the field of animal feed

For mycotoxin prevention and stress relief

With an aim to alleviating stress on animals potentially confronted with toxic contaminants, Innovad offers Escent S: a scientifically proven technology for mycotoxin prevention and stress relief.

In today’s environment, the presence of mycotoxins is an inherent risk. Chances are high that multiple mycotoxigenic moulds such as Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium and their related toxins creep into silos and corn silage at harvest and after ensiling. According to a survey, around 99 per cent of grain samples collected contained mycotoxins and more than 85 per cent multiple mycotoxins.

Geudens further elaborated that Escent S has 5 modes of action, all backed with scientific evidence:

1. Supports liver and kidney

2. Prevents oxidative stress

3. Restores natural immunity

4. Boosts natural detoxifying processes

5. Binds polar (water soluble) toxins

Aside from the dry application in feed, this product is also available as liquid intervention for practical drinking water application.

Innovad image

As a result of a collaboration with the University of Ghent, Innovad is now launching a unique new service for measuring the risk and assessing the true impact of mycotoxins in feed on the animal’s health: Myco-Marker. This consists of a blood & impact analysis and a feed risk assessment. It is a patent-pending diagnostic tool to evaluate possible exposure to mycotoxins and their impact on animal health. It allows detection and diagnosis of mycotoxin-mediated health and performance issues either in individual animals or in a population, helping to identify the causative mycotoxins and developing appropriate mitigating strategies.

A healthy gut

Innovad’s Lumance product line, available for both in-feed and drinking water application, focuses on the intestinal health of the animal by reducing inflammation and offering a solution to lower medication and improve performance.

Geudens explained that in an era of increasing volatility in raw material prices and availability, securing sufficient raw materials of acceptable quality is becoming one of the main challenges for the livestock industry. To reduce feed costs and obtain sufficient feed raw materials, livestock producers are often forced to make use of unconventional protein and carbohydrate sources or materials of lower quality.

Lumance combines slow release and protection technologies ensuring that fatty acids, essential oils, plant extracts and anti-inflammatory compounds and polyphenols are delivered in a gut active way for a powerful and effective anti-inflammatory control.

Feed intake and palatability

Innovad’s Cibus, Mellis and Tasty Attract are set to increase early intake and feed palatability. The company’s feed attractants aim to stimulate feed consumption; trigger an increase of the digestive secretions via conditioned reflexes, preparing the gut for better digestion; mask unpleasant odors from minerals, antibiotics, by-products; provide a homogenous aromatic finishing and avoid alarm reactions associated with formulation changes.

Antibacterial digestive aid

Innovad has launched Novicid product to help the animal with optimal acidification to reach high performance. The ConSept product range offers preservative concepts selected based on active components, format, application, corrosiveness, etc.

These products focus on safeguarding the microbial quality of the feed; reducing the buffer capacity of the feed; activating fully the pepsinogen, leading to improved protein digestion and improving the anti-pathogen barrier function, resulting in lower passage of pathogens to the intestinal area.