
Iran welcomes ‘Heat Resistance’ V4 Strain of Newcastle Disease Vaccine

Imperative strict lockdown measures taken to counter COVID-19 pandemic crisis has led to a reduction of poultry consumption all over the world

Iran, standing as one of the world’s biggest chicken producer, has been greatly hit by the crisis, although in general, demand is still stable.

Rashidah Ibrahim, MVP executive director, said, “COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of global uncertainties, and MVP is not spared from its pressures and effects. However, we are committed to keep exports flowing during the pandemic and to help strengthening food security among partner nations, hence, we are happy to be sending our first part of vaccine exportation this year.”

Newcastle disease is an endemic disease in Iran caused by virulent form of Avian Paramyxovirus 1, and this disease has global economic impact. Successful vaccination is one of the vital control tools of this infectious disease in addition to tight biosecurity.

MyVAC ND V4 ‘Heat Resistance’ is a vaccine with innate thermostability to heat temperature up to 56.9°C for nine consecutive hours. This viral vaccine trait is certainly a leverage for the chicken industry, especially for those in hot and dry climate or where cold chain system for vaccine storage is to be suboptimal. MyVAC NDV4 HR can induce protective seroconversion in young chicks due to its efficacy and mild nature.

The first badge of export was materialised last month after the vaccine registration was completed in the year 2019 upon competent audit verification by the Iranian government authority. Going forward, all the stakeholders in the sector are positive and believe that the upward trend of ‘good news’ will continue and demand for poultry will sustain.