
Marek’s disease vaccines now available in the EU and the UK

Animal health specialist Boehringer Ingelheim has launched PREVEXXION RN and PREVEXXION RN+HVT+IBD, the next generation of Marek’s disease vaccines, in the European Union countries and the UK

PREVEXXION RN is the first innovation1 in the Marek category in over 40 years. Its purpose is to provide poultry producers with cutting-edge technology in terms of Marek’s disease protection. PREVEXXION RN range is composed of an innovative serotype-1 construct vaccine with a unique balance between safety and efficacy against the most virulent types of Marek’s disease virus strains.

PREVEXXION RN+HVT+IBD is a unique, convenient, and high-performance solution combining PREVEXXION RN and VAXXITEK HVT+IBD in one ampoule. This three in one solution is specifically designed to answer our customer needs in long-life bird segments with the most appropriate protection from the hatchery. PREVEXXION RN vaccines are available in ampoules of 1000, 2000, and 4000 doses, frozen in liquid nitrogen.

Jerôme Baudon, head of poultry at Boehringer Ingelheim, commented, “Our PREVEXXION RN range provides value through innovation to Marek sensitive poultry producers looking for continuous live production productivity improvement and effective protection. Field and lab experiments conducted worldwide demonstrated its safety, efficacy and its strong, early, and long-lasting protection through the lifespan of the birds and against the very virulent Marek’s disease challenge. PREVEXXION RN is the new golden standard for Marek’s disease vaccination programmes.”