
NECTRA experts in hatchery and laboratory automation

NECTRA, a company fully specialised in hatchery and laboratory automation for fertile hatching eggs, embryos and day-old chicks, was created by Dr Ephrem Adjanohoun (who is also the founder of ECAT Company) based in France

NECTRA claims to have more than 20 years of automation experience from its founders and management team.

As its name indicates (New Egg Chicks Robotic Artificial Vision and Automated Technologies), NECTRA also develops and integrates powerful biomechanical, robotic and artificial vision technologies.

At a time when most automation companies were integrated into large animal pharmaceutical groups, NECTRA successfully addressed the challenge of remaining the only high-tech company independently owned by its founders and focused on its market enabling open and price-competitive access to automation technology.

The company also offers its R&D platforms to other partners, including its competitors, to create new products.

Proof of trust by the poultry industry worldwide

NECTRA designed and manufactured the automation of the largest and latest prestigious hatchery such as Orvia/France 2017/2018 for 1.5mn chicks/week.

At Shandong Minhe China 2018/2019 hatchery, two million chicks per week are equipped with the latest innovations. 2019/2020 fulfils its promises with the ongoing automation of several modern poultry hatcheries: CP in China, Laemthong in Thailand, and also ORVIA new duck hatchery in France.

Products and Technical Achievements

Staffed with a strong multi-disciplinary team of engineers and veterinaries NECTRA R&D is well recognised by the industry, rewarded in Sept 2017 at Innov Space France for its latest ULTRASCAN candling technology.

Among the company's achievements

-In OVO vaccination robots, the INOVOVAC uses patented variable speed technology (VISA technology), which eliminates damage to the shell and embryo caused by current technologies.

-The NECTRA Scan and NECTRA Life latest egg candling technologies is capable of identifying live eggs, rotten eggs or air chambers without any contact with the eggs enabling further improvements in hatchability.

-NECTRA ‘’NO ROCK NO TOUCH’’ innovation processes the eggs right inside the incubation tray, eliminating contact with or between eggs, thus drastically reducing egg cracks and contamination. Current industry processes roll and rub eggs on belts and against each other causing significant cross-contamination and micro-cracks

-NECTRA is also involved in ongoing development for automated in OVO sexing and feathers sexing.

Reaching across species and across industry specificity and pharmaceutical industry

While the main development on hatchery automation is traditionally made on poultry, NECTRA has developed its technologies towards other species; such as early age candling for Turkey, ducks, gamebirds.

The company also declines its technologies to fit smaller size hatcheries or to develop specific partner needs. The company has also proposed a specific product range for the pharmaceutical industry to process live embryo eggs and control bioburden.

Passionate about live egg technology and the challenge of automation, NECTRA is “a team to write your future.”