

The aim is to create wealth and sustainable agribusiness jobs for African youth. (Image source: CIFOR/Flickr)

The African Development Bank (AfDB) in Nigeria met a private sector consortium from China to help attract investment through partnerships in the development of special agro-Industrial processing zones (SAPZs) across Africa

Lavies product pipeline addresses major needs in row crops such as corn and wheat as well as specialty crops such as grapes. (Image source: Jill Wellington/Pixabay)

Corteva, Inc, a pure-play agriculture company, announced its investment in the biotechnology firm Evogene Ltds agriculture biologicals subsidiary Lavie Bio (Lavie)

Modern analysers are characterised by the reduced use of chemicals and optimised timing. (Image source: Fritsch GmbH)

As animal feed is sold with a declaration about its contents, those substances of contents are continually examined for quality assurance, said Fritsch GmbH

The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers colistin as a ‘highest priority critically important antimicrobial’ for humans. (Image source: 9883074/Pixabay)

As the use of antibiotics is rapidly spreading the risk of most deadly superbugs, the Indian government has banned the use of colistin in animal feed and fishing

Many interested Singaporeans are inquiring about rural tours in Kaohsiung. (Image source: Agriculture Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government)

To promote rural experience activities and agricultural products, Kaohsiung City Government Agriculture Bureau participated in the Autumn International Travel Exhibition at the Singapore Exhibition Centre with the Kaohsiung City Tourism Association and local practitioners from 2-4 August

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