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Machinery & Equipment

The farming tool is expected to aid farmers located in the Red River Delta and Mekong Delta regions. (Image source: TororoReaction/Shutterstock)

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has developed crop manager software to help farmers in Vietnam better manage crops and increase incomes by US$100 per hectare per crop

The ISOBUS standardises communication between farm machinery and management systems. (Image source: AEF)

The Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF) has devised a Camera Systems project team to resolve the issue surrounding incompatibility of using camera systems with each other and with ISOBUS universal terminals in cab displays

CI-Agriculture began its first trial last year on a rice paddy outside of Jakarta on the foot of Mount Gede. (Image source: Don McCollough/Flickr)

Indonesian local start-up Collective Intelligence Agriculture (CI-Agriculture), subsidiary of analytical solutions provider Mediatrac, is bringing digital innovation to farming in the Southeast Asian country

The EggTesters latest Egg Force Reader, which provides fully automatic testing. (Image source: EggTester)

Equipment supplier has upgraded its Egg Force Reader, which now communicates with a computer via Bluetooth wireless communication

The more the marbling in meat, the better the quality and flavour of the meat. (Image source: Carnivore Style)

Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology has developed a new in-vivo scanner to detect the amount of marbling in meat

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