
Chiang Mai Uni and East-West Seed collaborate for research

The conference focuses on crops such as tomato, potato, tobacco, eggplant, pepper, and the ornamental Petunia hybrida. (Image Source: regan76/Flickr)

East-West Seed and Thailand’s Chiang Mai University have signed an MoU for a five year research cooperation, to build on earlier collaborations between the two partners

East-West Seed and CMU have collaborated in a papaya micropropagation project recently and the company provides training for six to 10 bachelor students in their Hortigenetics Research centre every year.

In September 2015, the company donated a DNA sequencer to the agriculture faculty.

Towards 2018, East-West Seed and CMU will be co-organising the scientific Solanaceae conference, that is organised in a different country every year.

The conference focuses on crops such as tomato, potato, tobacco, eggplant, pepper, and the ornamental Petunia hybrida. East-West Seed aims to contribute to the academic careers of students and scientists through this MoU.