
Digital technologies can play a crucial role in smart farming

As noted in the whitepaper, 41.3 per cent of respondents lack knowledge about actions and measures that can be taken to make agriculture more sustainable. (Image source: liu xiaozhong/Pixabay)

Digital technologies can solve complex challenges farmers and growers are facing today, highlighted Intellias in its whitepaper on "Sustainable Agriculture: From Tech Solutions to Ecosystem" in light of the global challenges imposed to farmers and agricultural companies

To support sustainable agricultural practices, independent solutions are not enough. Such solutions can solve particular needs farmers are experiencing today; but in the face of severe upcoming challenges, agribusinesses require complex solutions that can unite the benefits of all possible technologies.

As noted in the whitepaper, 41.3 per cent of respondents lack knowledge about actions and measures that can be taken to make agriculture more sustainable.

The first part of the whitepaper focuses on analysing factors holding back farming operations and investigating ways that technologies can mitigate the most severe of those factors. In this part of the whitepaper, agribusinesses will get acquainted with customer personas of farmers, learn their needs, and recognise the current gaps in making technologies available at the scale necessary to support sustainable agricultural operations.

The second part of the whitepaper covers recent technological breakthroughs by world-known agritech providers. The focus is on combining these technologies in one ecosystem based on proven practices applied by other industries that are already adopting a collaborative approach to technologies.