
Equinom's novel cultivation methods transform global sesame sector

Sesame is considered the oldest and one of the most resilient oilseeds known to humankind. (Image source: Equinom)

Seed breeding specialist Equinom Ltds modern cultivation methods are set to change the paradigm on production and trading of sesame, ensuring profitability and increased market stability for the ancient crop

As part of its broad sesame development plans, Equinom has signed contracts with major grain handlers and international food companies to grow and commercialise its smarter sesame varieties in Africa, South America Europe and the rest of the world. Results so far include the introduction of a fresh influx of land now dedicated to the cultivation of sesame totalling 100,000 acres worldwide to meet burgeoning demands. Newly emerging growers in the US and Australia are adopting cultivation of sesame locally.

Under the plan, traditional growers benefitted from Equinom's non-GMO seed varieties to scale up production and broaden existing locations for growth.

Drive accurate production and profit forecasting

“The world sesame market is currently worth almost US$10bn,” said Gil Shalev, CEO and co-founder at Equinom. Equinom's varieties aim to enable farmers to generate more accurate and pre-defined yields. This leads to more precise profit forecasting and assessments that greatly facilitate the execution of prospective contracts, providing all partners — grain handlers and farmers — with a safety net, by keeping supplies and prices stable.

Food security and stability during COVID-19

“The sesame industry is, by nature, prone to fluctuations and that makes it difficult for key parties in the supply chain to meet pledged output quotas,” explained Shalev. “Our solution removes a lot of the risks associated with yield inconsistencies and grants stakeholders a new sense of assurance. Even in times of crisis — such as with the current COVID-19 pandemic — food companies can rely on a secured supply of sesame. Right now, amid the outbreak, its 'business as usual' for Equinom. We are currently drafting new work plans to propel the industry despite the challenging border closures and transportation hurdles.”

Equinom has developed sesame with high-yield capabilities and superior nutritional profiles. It can be tailored to a variety of innovative and commercial products, including baking, confectionary, tahini, oil and flour, encompassing parameters of oil concentration, protein load, flavour and sensory qualities contributing to more uniform products.

Equinom will be hosting a webinar on increasing profits using smarter sesame in 12 May 2020.