
Greenco deploys data-driven technology for accurate harvest forecasts

With the Harvest Forecast module, Greenco can align the production with the market demand and at the same time. (Image source: Greenco)

Hoogendoorn Growth Management’s Harvest Forecast module is set to enable the international snack vegetable grower Greenco to calculate a harvest forecast one week in advance for the coming four weeks

The technology of Hoogendoorn Growth Management aims to enable Greenco to actualise the optimal climate conditions for their tomato crop. This module is customised to the growing conditions of snack tomatoes.

By applying data-driven growing principles, Greenco has developed a new strategy to optimise potential climate conditions in the greenhouses, thus maximising yields.

Cultivation strategies based on data-driven growing are increasingly applied in horticulture. Eight years ago, Greenco started to discover the possibilities of data-driven growing as the basis of their cultivation strategy. With the data-driven growing strategy, Greenco discovers new insights in plant conditions and plant health.

With the Harvest Forecast module, Greenco can align the production with the market demand and at the same time, anticipate changing weather conditions.

By combining technology with plant physiology, accurate harvest forecasts are obtained. These analytical insights are set to enable growers to enhance their business performance.