
Malaysia to launch certification to brand palm oil

The scheme will raise the image of the product and strategically brand it in international markets. (Image source: oneVillage Initiative/Flickr)

The Malaysian government will implement a certification scheme based on its standards to brand the sustainablity and nutritional benefits of the country’s palm oil

According to sources, the scheme will not only assure consumers of the quality of the Malaysian palm oil, but most importantly, raise the image of the product and strategically brand it in international markets.

Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, minister of plantation industries and commodities, said, “I am optimistic with the implementation of a certification scheme and the branding initiative on Malaysian palm oil, we will be able not only to differentiate the sources of palm oil in the global markets, but also attract premium for our palm oil.

“In addition, this endeavour will also allow us to address some of the issues relating to sustainability that is being debated in the major importing markets.”