
Myanmar launches new policy to boost development

Agriculture in Myanmar is expected to be benefitted from the new policy. (Image source: Michael Coghlan/Flickr)

The Myanmar government has launched a Development Assistance Policy (DAP), aiming to effectively channel aid funds that are provided by international agencies to develop the country’s various sectors including agriculture

Over the years, the Asian country has received assistance from international organisations like International Partners in Development, the UN and several other international non-government organisations for the development of its economic prosperity.

However, in spite of such global aid, Myanmar has been lacking in a right policy to ensure that funds are disbursed properly, thus resulting in delays in approvals, implementation and higher transaction costs for both sides.

As reported by The Myanmar Times, the DAP aims to ensure that development assistances are used and disbursed in proper ways to achieve the economic policy of Myanmar. In addition, with this programme, all development aids are set to demonstrate a clear alignment with one or more of the UN’ Sustainable Development Goals.

The Myanmar government has also announced to further streamline the implementation process by establishing 10 sector coordination groups for areas such as agriculture, nutrition, job creation, education, energy, healthcare, social protection and disaster etc.

With the programme, the country hopes to boost its agricultural output and entire agri-value chain across the region.