

The researchers reported that the genome of domesticated watermelon contained 23,440 genes, roughly the same number of genes as in humans. (Image source: mynameisharsha/Flickr)

A consortium of more than 60 scientists from the United States, China, and Europe has published the genome sequence of watermelon which could lead to a more nutritious, tastier and disease-resistant fruit

Global demand for food is expected to double by 2050 due to population growth. (Image source: Matt Dente/Flickr)

A study published in Nature by a team of researchers from the University of Minnesota and McGill University in Montreal suggests food security and a healthy environment are both possible

China has approved the use of hybrid corn seed varieties like those from Monsanto Co., DuPont Pioneer and Syngenta AG to boost yields and meet the rising corn demands in the country

C4 rice research hopes to develop a new type of rice with improved photosynthesis capacity. (Image source: IRRI)

The pursuit to rein in hunger with the development of a cutting-edge rice of the future has received a financial boost, and is now rolling into its second phase

Cargill’s aims to develop and scale up sustainable cocoa supply chains in Côte dIvoire, Cameroon, Ghana, Brazil and Vietnam. (Image source: lolay/flickr)

Cargill is planning to extend its sustainable cocoa programme to South Sulawesi province, Indonesia, the world’s third-largest cocoa-producing nation

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