
Protecting plants from Fusarium

The product is being used to protect banana plantations. (Image Source: denishc/Flickr)

Vanodine has recently extended its protection efficacy to Fusarium Wilt, TR4 and other pathogens

The product is available on the market and is being used to protect Southeast Asian banana plantations from the spread of such diseases, according to the company.

The protection of plant and fruit species from pests, insects and fungi through the use of pesiticides is well-known, however the use of environmentally safer and more specialised disinfectants to prevent transmission of plant pathogens is perhaps much less known as one of the key methods used against the spread of plant disease.

In the early 1970s, the spread of Moko’s disease across the banana plantations in central and Latin America was brought under control though the introduction of Vanodine disinfectant, claims the company. Regular disinfection of the tools, handling and crating equipment, coupled with vehicle and improved plantation biosecurity programmes together brought control to a pathogen, which previously had a commercially devastating impact on the crops.