
Rockefeller Foundation and AIT sign MoU to drive climate resilient agriculture solutions in Southeast Asia

The collaboration aligns with The Rockefeller Foundations US$1bn climate strategy. (Image source: The Rockefeller Foundation)

The Rockefeller Foundation and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) have sealed their partnership through the inking of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which aims to catalyse regenerative agriculture practices, minimise climate change impacts, and promote sustainable food production in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states of Cambodia, Laos Peoples Democratic Republic, and Thailand

By emphasising nature-positive solutions characterised by regenerative, non-depleting, and non-destructive production systems, the partnership seeks to address some of the pressing issues faced in the agriculture sector including climate change impacts, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and sustainable food production. 

“By generating empirical evidence and policy recommendations, we aim to catalyse the adoption of sustainable farming practices in Southeast Asia and improve the resilience of food systems,” said vice president of the Rockefeller Foundation’s Asia Regional Office, Deepali Khanna.

For more information, visit: http://rockefellerfoundation.org and https://ait.ac.th/