
WEDA Technology uses insects to convert into sustainable animal feed

WEDA’s modern technology of insect based feed.(Image Source: Weda Technology).

Insect-based feeds are getting popular day by day because of their high protein content, antioxidants ingredients, good taste, and efficient production possibility to meet the rising demand

WEDA Dammann and Westerkamp have established production plants for insect larvae in Germany and abroad. Jens Feldhaus, the WEDA product manager, explained that their expertise from the automated liquid feeding systems for pig production is particularly applied in such projects.

How it works?

Black soldier fly is successfully fed in the WEDA system. Their larva can be up to 17 millimetres long, holds the protein content up to 55%. WEDA technology has quickly adopted and integrated into the individual insect feeding systems. Their pig farmers’ give importance to production reliability, hygiene consciousness, and accurate feeding within budget and simple operation. Right substance mix is one of the salient things in breeding facilities. Efficient communication and hygienisation also matter a lot.

WEDA’s 4PX computer takes care of the storage of the correct feed recipes and its control. The feed mixture is pumped through the MixPipe in a rotary motion and reaches the metering station. The substrate mix is administered in a monitored manner in WEDA.

Both the pet food sector and aquaculture sanctioned insect-based feeds. Insect-based feeding is a simple process. It can be quickly used to feed farm animals. Through this innovative way, insects turn the environment-friendly, on-site protein source for animal feeding in the future. WEDA Dammann & Westerkamp GmbH will pursue together for developing the innovative solution together with the other operators to expand its segment.

WEDA Technology is recognised as a pioneer for innovation and reliability for more than 80 years. It is a full-range provider for modern pig management apart from feeding technology and animal house equipment. Weda Technology holds the segment of liquid manure treatment and ventilation technology. The company holds an extensive dealer network and is represented in more than 50 countries.